Tuesday, 25 October 2016






Don't think the judge liked this one!
He thought it was a sunset - its actually 4am sunrise.
Not sure he spotted the fisherman either.


Dance to your Daddy my little laddie
Dance to your Daddy my little man
Dance to your Daddy sing to your mommy
Dance to your Daddy my little man

You shall have a fishy on a little dishy
You shall have a fishy when the boat comes in
You shall have a herring on a little dishy
You shall have a herring when the boat comes in

Come here me little Jacky
Now aw've smoked mi backy
Have a bit o' cracky
Till the boat comes in

Dance to your Daddy sing to your mammy
Dance to your Daddy my little man 
You shall have a fishy on a little dishy
You shall have a fishy when the boat comes in
You shall have a mackerel on a little dishy
You shall have a mackerel when the boat comes in

Dance to your Daddy my little laddie
Dance to your Daddy my little man
Dance to your Daddy sing to your mommy
Dance to your Daddy my little man

You shall have a fishy on a little dishy
You shall have a fishy when the boat comes in
You shall have a herring on a little dishy
You shall have a herring when the boat comes in


Don Dixon - Praying Mantis

I saw a girl, she reminded me of you
She did the things that a girl like you might do
Her body was green and she had two vicious jaws
She found her a mate as she kissed him with her claws

Yes but I survived, it was on TV
She had six strong legs and it frightened me
She had insect eyes, but I could still see
That the looks she gave him, you give to me

I feel like a praying mantis
(I sense her acting)
Just like a praying mantis
(I sense her antics)
I can't help it I've been too frantic too long

She bit off his head so he would not feel the pain
She wanted his body so much she ate his brain
Yes but I survived, no you won't catch me
I'll resist this urge that's tempting me
I'll avert my eyes, keep you off my knee
But it feels so good when you talk to me

I feel like a praying mantis
(I sense her acting)
Just like a praying mantis
(I sense her antics)
I can't help it I've been too frantic too long

Yes but I survived, it was on TV
She had six strong legs and it frightened me
She had insect eyes, but I could still see
That the looks she gave him, you give to me

I feel like a praying mantis
(I sense her acting)
Just like a praying mantis
(I sense your antics)
I can't help it I've been too frantic too long

Like a pray ay ay
I feel like a praying mantis
Ay ay, oh ay

Tuesday, 4 October 2016

WDPC PHOTO TREK 2016 inc Creative Tutorial.



1 - Ancient and Modern

2 - Colour

 3 - Emotions

 4 - Monochrome

5 - Through the Window

6 - Creative

See how I created this shot below :)

Hands over Face
I left this very late in the day – Took both photos with Camera on a tripod with remote and 2 second timer.
The photos were not sharp once I got them on the computer just didn’t have time to take again.
I thought I would try and hide the bad focusing with a texture or effect!

First take a picture of your subject’s face, and then another one with the subject covering his/her face with hands. Later you include both the pictures as layers in a single document in Photoshop. Picture with just the face as bottom layer, and the one with hands on top. You then change the top layers blending mode to overlay (try other blending modes too, sometimes they give better results), experiment a bit with opacity settings, try changing to black and white, adding some texture etc.
My First Shot below

My Second Shot below

Open a new document in Photoshop, add both images as different layers on to the document, the picture with hands covering the face should be the top layer. 

Click edit > auto align layers to align both layers best we can.

Now that you have both images as layers, change the blending mode of the top layer to overlay,

So below is how our picture now looks once I changed the blending mode to overlay and adjusted the opacity a bit.

I then just deleted the bottom half of the top “Hands” layer to try to make it a bit cleaner.

Click Layer > Flatten Image to merge the layers into one.

Now change to black and white.

In Photoshop, click image > adjustments > black and white.

Try adjusting the sliders or contrast settings to get the right balance between black and white areas in your picture. Now all I did was to use the eraser tool to clean up a bit and the result is the image below. You could also try to add some texture or using any other filters on the image for different effects.